(This cat has nothing to do with the rest of this post, I just thought I'd include a photo. He's my friend Ginny's cat. I visited with them in DC last weekend. They deserve their own post, but I haven't had time to write one yet.)
My parents' house is full of guests (though they have all rather scattered at the moment). My brother and his girlfriend are here, as are 3 friends from Chicago, and another pair of friends and their family. I've been helping my mother put things up and found myself with a damp rag, dusting. There is a story about me helping get the house ready for a party when I was just a toddler - about three years old. Everyone was cleaning and I grabbed a rag and started dusting. Apparently some habits die hard.
We are all gathering for our annual Burns Night party tonight. As always, we are worried too many people will come. This party takes on its own life. Last year some people showed up who we didn't know, friends of friends, and one of them presented my parents with a hand drawn, large portrait of Robert Burns. With random guests like that, we can hardly complain.
I need to go back to getting ready. Have a wonderful weekend!